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The SpeciaLink Book — On the Road to Mainstream Childcare

The SpeciaLink Book — On the Road to Mainstream Childcare

by Sharon Hope Irwin • 8.5 x 11 • 186 pages

    The Mainstream is nothing more than life in the real world. SpeciaLink is devoted to seeing every child with special needs a full participant in the mainstream. Evidence supports the value of full mainstream childcare for all children, regardless of the challenges. This means that from now on, the work of childcare includes Advocacy—promoting what we already know to be right.
    The SpeciaLink Book is the story of the road to the principles of full mainstream childcare, and of the SpeciaLink Symposium which made those principles the national agenda for mainstream advocates. "The Mainstream is the Right Stream" is the battle cry. Achieving full mainstream childcare for every child is the goal.
    This book also includes chapters contributed by Linda Till, Karen Vander Ven, and Dale Borman Fink; a Canadian Directory of Mainstream Childcare Advocates; further readings; information about joining SpeciaLink; and order forms for the SpeciaLink Newsletter and videos.
ALSO AVAILABLE IN FRENCH: Le Livre de Trait-d'union
