George Orwell's Friend — Selected Writing by Paul Potts
by Paul Potts • 96 pages
ONE OF CANADA'S LEAST-KNOWN, SIGNIFICANT WRITERS! Neglected in his own time, nearly forgotten in ours, Paul Potts' circle included George Orwell, Dylan Thomas, Elizabeth Smart and George Barker—and the extraordinary world of London's Soho.
This new collection includes autobiographical stories that set the stage for his "magnificent, anguished love memoir," Dante Called You Beatrice, an excruciating classic of loneliness and vulnerability—elements that rarely find words, and even more rarely find the words of a man. Also here is "Don Quixote on a Bicycle," Potts' intimate essay about George Orwell.
"The reader suddenly discovers insights of dazzling perception, an expression of such feeling as to burn on the page."—George Melly