Cape Breton Books 1-800-565-5140
Birth and Babyhood of the Telephone

Birth and Babyhood of the Telephone

"I made every part of that famous telephone with my own hands," wrote Thomas A. Watson, the skilled craftsman who built model after model as he worked with Alexander Graham Bell to develop the first successful, speaking telephone on March 10, 1876. In The BIRTH and BABYHOOD of the TELEPHONE we have the words of Thomas A. Watson telling the story to The Telephone Pioneers of America in 1913. While we know that Alexander Graham Bell was the genius who invented the telephone, we rarely think of Thomas A. Watson as the skilled craftsman who actually built that first telephone—and that Watson was the other man on the line at the birth of the phone and then, step by step, as the invention developed, teaching it to speak across miles and giving stage presentations of the abilities of their accomplishment.  In this classic fresh presentation edited by Ronald Caplan, an extraordinary creative  relationship is kept alive.